The six thinking hats discussed show a way of solving an issue from different perspectives and how they can work together to solve it. Everyone can have a different way to go about find a solution or trying to think of one, but if they are able to compromise they may be able to come to a solution that works for all parties involved. The process address skeptics, rationalist, and irrational thoughts to have a place within it. A conflict free way of thinking to come to a solution.
This covers facts, figures, information, asking questions, defining information needs and gaps. White hat of my semester project is who is going to be included within the project. What designers, what celebrities, which years and themes of the Met Gala to incude in the website. How much would go into this website. If there anything else you should include in the website.
This covers intuition, feelings and emotions. My red hat has more to do with do I only include outfits I thought were acceptable for the theme or ones that I thought were the best representation of the theme for that year. Are you sure you are fully commited to this idea.
This is the logical negative. Does this apply well to the project or does it seem more like a portfolio type website that we are supposed to avoid. Also is the scope of this project possible, how do I decide what to include. Is this to similar to tabloids. Main issue here is scope.
This is the logical positive. There isn't really other websites like this one that focus on fashion and the Met Gala, usually one has to accumulate information from various sources to find what they want about the Met Gala. There is a lot to choose from in what I want to include and I'll have a lot of freedom to pick how to organize the semester project.
This is the hat of creativity, alternatives,proposals, what is interesting, provocations and changes. For my website there isn't a set way it needs to look, especially since the theme of the Met Gala changes every year. If I organize the website by theme each page can match the theme, or if organized by designer each page can be asscioated with the designers main aesthetic.
This is the overview or process control hat. Need to think more about what to include in the website and how much to include in it as well. This would be mostly white hat thinking.
Going through the six thinking hats process with a friend has made me realize I want to make the website focused on the themes and then seperate them on the page by designer. Each tab will be a Met Gala theme and will be styles to match the corresponding theme. I will probably include the most popular outfits from each Gala to make it easier to accumulate and then maybe later past the deadline on my own time include more outfits.